Friday, March 9, 2007

Hey, that guy just Flickred me off! (#5)

Stanley Playing in Box
Originally uploaded by nathan_b_baker.
So, here it is..."Stanely Playing in Box". Now, isn't that just the cutest thing you've ever seen?

So, setting up a Flickr account, uploading photos to the account and using tags: all very easy. Linking a photo to my blog: a little confusing at first. I first tried to just create a new blog entry via blogspot, not realizing that Flickr and Blogspot need to be linked and the post actually needs to be made through Flickr. Now that was not very intuitive and I imagine many people are going to get confused. But, I suppose that's what the "advocates" are for!

In any case, it was still fun playing with this stuff and I'm enjoying posting pictures to Flickr.

1 comment:

The Music Chick said...

Best..profile..pic..EVER! *grin*